Novelty Bear

Its creator smiled as he put in the last stitch and shed a single tear and he sent the beautiful bear on its way; clutched tightly in a child’s grasp, it took the skies and went around the world—now, after many years, there are five of these special bears, spread across the seas like lost boys who couldn’t find their way back to Neverland; yet they feel no loneliness, the sky is more than just an companion, for they are loved and cherished in homes and in wide flowing fields.
When there is water, there is life. Nao peeked over the edge and saw a reflection of itself. Sure it may be living, but it's all alone. Such solitude is rare. In this digital day and age, some quietness is very much needed from the barrage of constant notifications from being connected 24 hours a day. Not much tweets and dings here, just the sound of running water that is music to the ears.
The forest, thriving with life, could be a hospitable place to get lost in. The critters beneath rotten logs, squirrels running from branch to branch, birds soaring above the canopy, and hogs amongst the ground plants. The visceral energy of nature is pure and untamed. Even though this particular bear wounded up here by accident, this detour will definitely be a vivid and memorable experience.
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